Baltimore Flex Space

Critic: Charlie Menefee
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Area: 10,000sf - 930sm
Term: Spring 2018

Located within Baltimore, Maryland the project attempts to use the structure to highlight and respond to qualities of its surrounding environment. Baltimore, being a cold city in the winter, on the Atlantic Ocean, and a relatively low height limit within its city limits, often results in certain types of spaces being desired within the buildings. Occupants want warmth and comfort in the winter and easy access to enjoy the outdoors in the summer. In response to comfort and environment, the project explores a double skin. One being the dense structural skin of concrete and the other being a shading device made of steel fins which wrap around the facade of the building. In addition to providing structure and shade the material choice was also derived from Baltimore’s industrial past. The building, although slim, provides a primarily open interior space for flexibility in current and future programs.